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. 2000 Oct;44(10):2645–2652. doi: 10.1128/aac.44.10.2645-2652.2000


Origin and phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of 11 S. pneumoniae isolates requiring MICs of ≥4 μg/ml for any fluoroquinolone tested

Isolate Statea MIC (μg/ml) (interpretive categoryb) of:
MDR phenotypec Molecular PFGE type Amino acid alterations in:
Sparfloxacin Levofloxacin Grepafloxacin Trovafloxacin Moxifloxacin GyrA ParC
1 CA 4 (R) 8 (R) 4 (R) 1 (S) 2 (I) Yes A Ser-81-Phe Lys-137-Asn
2 HI >4 (R) >8 (R) >4 (R) 4 (R) 4 (R) No D WTd Ser-16-Gly; Ser-79-Phe; Asn-91-Asp; Glu-125-Asp
3 HI >4 (R) >8 (R) >4 (R) 4 (R) 2 (I) Yes A Ser-81-Phe Ser-79-Phe; Lys-137-Asn
4 IL 2 (R) >8 (R) 1 (I) 1 (S) 2 (I) No E Ser-81-Tyr WT
5 MA 4 (R) 8 (R) 4 (R) 4 (R) 4 (R) No B Ser-81-Phe Ser-79-Phe
6 MN >4 (R) >8 (R) >4 (R) 2 (I) 2 (I) Yes G Ser-81-Phe Ser-79-Phe
7 MN 4 (R) >8 (R) 4 (R) 2 (I) 2 (I) Yes A Ser-81-Phe Ser-79-Phe; Lys-137-Asn
8 NJ 2 (R) 4 (I) 1 (I) 0.25 (S) 1 (S) No F Ser-81-Phe WT
9 PA 4 (R) >8 (R) 4 (R) 2 (I) 2 (I) Yes A Ser-81-Phe Ser-79-Phe; Lys-137-Asn
10 VA >4 (R) 8 (R) >4 (R) 2 (I) 4 (R) Yes H Ser-81-Tyr Ser-79-Tyr
11 VA 1 (S) 8 (R) 1 (I) 0.25 (S) 1 (S) No C Ser-81-Phe Ser-79-Phe; Lys-137-Asn

CA, California; HI, Hawaii; IL, Illinois; MA, Massachusetts; MN, Minnesota; NJ, New Jersey; PA, Pennsylvania; VA, Virginia. 


R, resistant; I, intermediate; S, susceptible. 


Defined as resistance to three or more drug classes. 


WT, wild-type amino acid sequences reported previously (17, 27).