Description of production traits evaluated to be genetically correlated with yearling temperament score, as defined by the American Angus Association.
Symbol | Trait EBV | Unit and description a |
CED | Calving ease-direct | Percentage of unassisted births (calf measurement/direct genetic effect) |
BW | Birth weight | Pounds |
WW | Weaning weight | Pounds, direct genetic effect |
YW | Yearling weight | Pounds |
RADG | Residual average daily gain | Pounds per day, the sire’s ability for post-weaning gain in his progeny given a constant amount of feed consumed |
DMI | Dry-matter intake | Pounds per day |
YH | Yearling height | Inches |
SC | Scrotal circumference | Centimeters |
PAP | Pulmonary artery pressure | Probability, the sire’s ability to produce a progeny with lower (or greater) pulmonary arterial pressures probability, decreasing (or increasing) the risk of contracting high altitude diseases |
HP | Heifer pregnancy | Percentage, it measures the ability of the sire’s daughters to become pregnant as first-calf heifers during a normal breeding season |
CEM | Calving ease maternal | Percentage of unassisted births (cow measurement/maternal genetic effect) |
MILK | Maternal milk | Pounds of calf weaned, the sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters (maternal genetic effect of WW) |
MW | Mature weight | Pounds |
MH | Mature height | Inches |
CW | Carcass weight | Pounds |
MARB | Marbling score | Marbling score |
RE | Ribeye area | Square inches |
FAT | Fat thickness | Inches, the sire’s ability to transmit fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) to his progeny |
FOOT | Foot angle score | Foot-angle score, the sire’s ability to transmit ideal foot angle to his progeny, of which a lower value is desirable |
HS | Hair shed score | Hair shed score, the sire’s ability to transmit early (or late) summer hair shedding, of which a lower value is desirable |
EBV: Estimated breeding value.
Source: American Angus Association website (