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. 2022 Apr 4;13:794625. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.794625


Description of production traits evaluated to be genetically correlated with yearling temperament score, as defined by the American Angus Association.

Symbol Trait EBV Unit and description a
CED Calving ease-direct Percentage of unassisted births (calf measurement/direct genetic effect)
BW Birth weight Pounds
WW Weaning weight Pounds, direct genetic effect
YW Yearling weight Pounds
RADG Residual average daily gain Pounds per day, the sire’s ability for post-weaning gain in his progeny given a constant amount of feed consumed
DMI Dry-matter intake Pounds per day
YH Yearling height Inches
SC Scrotal circumference Centimeters
PAP Pulmonary artery pressure Probability, the sire’s ability to produce a progeny with lower (or greater) pulmonary arterial pressures probability, decreasing (or increasing) the risk of contracting high altitude diseases
HP Heifer pregnancy Percentage, it measures the ability of the sire’s daughters to become pregnant as first-calf heifers during a normal breeding season
CEM Calving ease maternal Percentage of unassisted births (cow measurement/maternal genetic effect)
MILK Maternal milk Pounds of calf weaned, the sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters (maternal genetic effect of WW)
MW Mature weight Pounds
MH Mature height Inches
CW Carcass weight Pounds
MARB Marbling score Marbling score
RE Ribeye area Square inches
FAT Fat thickness Inches, the sire’s ability to transmit fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) to his progeny
FOOT Foot angle score Foot-angle score, the sire’s ability to transmit ideal foot angle to his progeny, of which a lower value is desirable
HS Hair shed score Hair shed score, the sire’s ability to transmit early (or late) summer hair shedding, of which a lower value is desirable

EBV: Estimated breeding value.


Source: American Angus Association website (