Implantable devices for simultaneous imaging and drug delivery
in vivo: (a) the induction nano-intravital
device (NANIVID) next to a US dime, (b) the NANIVID is designed to
penetrate solid tumor tissue for passive delivery, (c) insertion is
facilitated by an applicator which aligns the device with the tumor
surface, (d) a 3D render demonstrates the device orientation during
insertion, (e) a cross-sectional view of an implanted NANIVID
depicts the location of the outlet and generated diffusion gradient,
(f) top–down view of the insertion site for imaging, (g) alternative
NANIVID design for cell collection, scale bar = 500 μm, (h)
magnified view of the device outlet where green fluorescing cells
were collected, scale bar = 100 μm, (i) exploded view of the
microfluidic imaging window for active reagent delivery, (j)
demonstration of improved dye localization in hydrogel tissue mimics
with a micro-nozzle outlet. (A color version of this figure is
available in the online journal.)
Source: Adapted from Williams et al.166,174 and Head
et al.