Figure 2.
(A–J) PS-T promoted effects of OXA in inhibiting the growth of xenografts and down-regulated P-gp expression in nude mice inoculated with human Bel-7404 and HepG2 hepatoma cells. (A–C) The volume and weight of xenograft of BALB/c nude mice inoculated with human Bel-7404 cells in 4 groups, respectively. (D–F) The volume and weight of xenografts of nude mice inoculated with human HepG2 cells in 4 groups, respectively. (G) PS-T down-regulated P-gp expression in nude mice inoculated with human Bel-7404 or HepG2 cells. (H and I) Relative P-gp expression in xenograft tissues in HepG2 and Bel-7404 cells. (J) The establishment of xenograft model of BALB/c nude mice and drug intervention. The picture was made by BioRender ( Data were showed as mean ± SD. ##P < .05, **P < .05.