Figure 8.
SLC25A1 nTg mice display minimal overlap in their proteome and acetyl-proteome. (A) Overlap between the proteins with significantly different expression from wild-type (proteome) and proteins harbouring the acetylation sites that were significantly changed from wild-type (acetyl-proteome) in both the hippocampus and cortex. (B) Proteins from the overlapping GO cellular component categories shown in Figs 6E and 7E are displayed (postsynaptic density, asymmetric synapse, postsynaptic specialization and neuron-to-neuron synapse) with denoted changes at the level of the proteome or acetyl-proteome. All proteins displayed are found within the 4 GO cellular component categories with these proteins unique in the following categories: postsynaptic specialization: Nlgn2, Nlgn3, Gabrb3; neuron-to-neuron synapse: Calb1, Syt1, Sh3gl2.