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. 2022 Apr 18;17(4):e0267209. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267209

Table 1. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the sample.

Total N (%) Patients who received teletherapy N (%) Patients who did not receive teletherapy N (%) t/χ2
Total Sample N 270 (100%) 175 (64.8%) 95 (35.2%)
Age Mean (SD) 39.90 (11.81) 39.93 (11.12) 39.84 (13.06) t = -0.059
p = .953
Gender χ2 = 0.208
 Female 150 (55.6%) 99 (56.6%) 51 (53.7%) p = .649
 Male 120 (44.4%) 76 (43.4%) 44 (46.3%)
Living status χ2 = 5.664
 Family of origin (parents w/wo siblings) 78 (28.9%) 52 (29.7%) 26 (27.4%) p = .462
 Own family (partner and/or children) 78 (28.9%) 54 (30.9%) 24 (25.3%)
 With friends or siblings 16 (5.9%) 8 (4.6%) 8 (8.4%)
 One parent w/wo siblings 37 (13.7%) 23 (13.1%) 14 (14.7%)
 Other 7 (2.6%) 6 (3.4%) 1 (1.1%)
 Single household 46 (17%) 26 (14.9%) 20 (21.1%)
 Supported housing 8 (3%) 6 (3.4%) 2 (2.1%)
Occupational status χ2 = 6.286
 Student 20 (7.4%) 13 (7.4%) 7 (7.4%) p = .279
 STD 54 (20%) 39 (22.3%) 15 (15.8%)
 Retired, pensioner 79 (29.3%) 48 (27.4%) 31 (32.6%)
 Unemployed 71 (26.3%) 50 (28.6%) 21 (22.1%)
 Working 45 (16.7%) 24 (13.7%) 21 (22.1%)
 Volunteer/Mutual support agent 1 (0.4%) 1 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%)
Level of Education χ2 = 2.993
No schooling 8 (3%) 3 (1.7%) 5 (5.3%) p = .559
Primary (BGE-CSE) 96 (35.6%) 61 (34.9%) 35 (36.8%)
Secondary education 112(41.5%) 76 (43.4%) 36 (37.9%)
University studies (BSc) 40 (14.8%) 26 (14.9%) 14 (14.7%)
Postgraduate studies (MSc-PhD) 14 (5.2%) 9 (5.1%) 5 (5.3%)
Diagnosis (ICD) χ2 = 5.743
Schizophrenia/Other psychosis 82 (30.4%) 50 (28.6%) 32 (33.7%) p = .570
Bipolar disorder 28 (10.4%) 18 (10.3%) 10 (10.5%)
Personality disorders 75 (27.8%) 53 (30.3%) 22 (23.2%)
Depressive disorder 26 (9.6%) 17 (9.7%) 9 (9.5%)
Anxiety/Other disorders 59 (21.9%) 37 (21.1%) 22 (23.1%)
Treatment Adherence χ2 = 0.422
Yes 232(85.9%) 152(86.9%) 80 (84.2%) p = .810
Partially 27 (10%) 16 (9.1%) 11 (11.6%)
No 11 (4.1%) 7 (4%) 4 (4.2%)