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. 2022 Feb 3;1(2):137–140. doi: 10.1016/j.gastha.2021.12.002


Cohort Demographics and Clinical Characteristics Stratified by pSpA

Variable, n (%) Total (n = 1032) pSpA (n = 192) No SpA (n = 840) P-value
IBD type <.0001
 Crohn’s disease 593 (57) 138 (72) 455 (54)
 Ulcerative colitis 439 (43) 54 (28) 385 (46)
Age, y, mean (± SD) 47.3 (16.4) 45.9 (15.5) 47.6 (16.6) .27
Sex .0002
 Male 447 (43) 60 (31) 387 (46)
 Female 585 (57) 132 (69) 453 (54)
Smoking status .19
 Current 29 (3) 9 (5) 20 (2)
 Former 192 (19) 38 (20) 154 (19)
 Never 776 (78) 139 (75) 637 (79)
Previous surgery .38
 Yes 349 (34) 69 (37) 280 (34)
 No 667 (66) 117 (63) 550 (66)
Crohn’s disease
 HBI <5 350 (60) 60 (43) 290 (65) < .0001
 Mean BASDAI (± SD) 2.6 (2.2) .043
 HBI ≥5 235 (40) 78 (57) 157 (35)
 Mean BASDAI (± SD) 3.5 (2.2)
 SES-CD .59
 Total SES-CD, ≤3 56 (25) 15 (27) 41 (24)
 Total SES-CD, >3 172 (75) 40 (73) 132 (76)
Ulcerative colitis
 Total Mayo score, ≤2 245 (56) 28 (53) 217 (57) .57
 Mean BASDAI (± SD) 2.6 (2.4) 164 (43) .51
 Total Mayo score, >2 189 (44) 25 (47)
 Mean BASDAI (± SD) 2.1 (2.1)
Current treatment
 5-ASA 423 (41) 76 (40) 347 (41) .66
 Immunomodulator 104 (10) 22 (11) 82 (10) .48
 Steroids/biologics 453 (44) 100 (52) 353 (42) .011
 Steroids 103 (10) 23 (12) 80 (10) .31
 Biologics 392 (38) 84 (44) 308 (37) .068
 Anti-TNFα 211 (20) 41 (21) 170 (20) .73
 Vedolizumab 87 (8) 15 (8) 72 (9) .73
 Ustekinumab 101 (10) 28 (15) 73 (9) .0013
Current/previous biologic 558 (54) 120 (63) 438 (52) .0094
Infliximab .36
 Responder 123 (46) 24 (40) 99 (47)
 PNR 67 (25) 14 (23) 53 (25)
 SNR 79 (29) 22 (37) 57 (27)
Adalimumab < .0001
 Responder 61 (30) 8 (16) 53 (35)
 PNR 88 (44) 17 (35) 71 (46)
 SNR 53 (26) 24 (49) 29 (19)
Vedolizumab .27
 Responder 56 (46) 9 (41) 47 (47)
 PNR 45 (37) 11 (50) 34 (34)
 SNR 22 (18) 2 (9) 20 (20)
Ustekinumab .69
 Responder 58 (59) 17 (65) 41 (57)
 PNR 29 (30) 6 (23) 23 (32)
 SNR 11 (11) 3 (12) 8 (11)

Subject number and percentage are shown. Mann-Whitney test and Pearson’s chi-squared test were used to determine the P-value for differences between subjects with and without SpA.

PNR, primary nonresponse; SNR, secondary nonresponse.