Table 7.
Barrier theme or observation | Reference(s) | Frequency, n |
EHR must undergo redesign | [11,30,32,35-38,43,44,47]a | 12 |
Excessive hours spent in the EHR exacerbate symptoms of physician burnout | [25,26,28,30,34,39,40,44] | 8 |
The administrative overhead of the EHR is not conducive to efficient workflow | [31,33,35,38,43,44,47]a | 8 |
Excessive hours spent in the EHR affect work-life balance | [25,29-31,36,47] | 6 |
EHR reliability and speed | [32,37,38,44] | 4 |
Administrative time in the EHR takes time away from clinic and patients | [25,29,30,42] | 4 |
Some patient information is not available due to lack of interoperability | [32,38,44] | 3 |
High number of clicks per process is inefficient | [11,30,35] | 3 |
EHR creates a loss of autonomy | [25,36] | 2 |
EHR does not help coordinate care | [27] | 1 |
Some patients do not like scribes or physician partners in the exam room | [40] | 1 |
EHR training takes time away from clinic | [41] | 1 |
Scribes or physician partners cost more money | [46] | 1 |
Lack of supporting practice environment | [36] | 1 |
No standardized vocabulary | [44] | 1 |
EHR investment inhibits short-term profit | [44] | 1 |
Not reported | [24,45] | 2 |
aMultiple occurrences observed in one study.