Fig. 5.
Differences in 13C discrimination between ozone-treated and control plants, ΔΔ (90/40 day/night versus <3 nl O3 l–1). ‘Leaf’ and ‘Stem’ refer to leaf and stem cellulose of Betula pendula, respectively. LF and HF refer to plants grown with low and high amounts of fertilizer, respectively. Solid bars: measured ΔΔ values. Dashed bars: expected ΔΔ values. Expected ΔΔ values were estimated using a model by Farquhar et al. (1982). This model describes 13C discrimination associated with plant carbon uptake including CO2 diffusion into plant leaves and assimilation by Rubisco. Numbers inside bars denote differences between measured and expected ΔΔ values. Statistically significant differences are marked by asterisks (one-tailed t-test: ∗P<0.05; ∗∗P<0.01). The difference of the Leaf/HF treatment is close to being statistically significant (P<0.08). This analysis is based on data published by Saurer et al. (1995).