Fig. 6.
Immuno-expression of EMT markers within vulvar primary and inguinal lymph node metastases. a–c Primary VSCC with cytoplasmatic expression of vimentin within infiltrative tumor cell nests (a), nuclear staining for cyclin D1 (b), strong (*) and reduced/negative (arrow) membranous staining for e-cadherin (c), indicating epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). (d–f) Tumor deposits within lymph node metastases representing negative staining for vimentin, nuclear positivity for cyclin D1 and diffuse staining for e-cadherin, indicating mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) (g, h) Micro-metastatic deposit within an inguinal lymph node (a) representing strong cytoplasmatic staining for vimentin of the majority of tumor cells (*)