Table 1.
Results of ANCOVAs Testing the Effect of A) Ecological and Temporal Context (Modern with Sea Otters, Modern Without Sea Otters, and Ancient Mussels) and B) Occupation Time (Years) on the Relationship Between California Mussel Length (mm) and the Log-Transformed Proportion of California Mussels on the South Coast and Central Coast
Model Region | Interaction Term | F | P |
(A) Modern-Ancient | |||
Log10(Proportion) of mussels ~ Length + Context + Length*Context | |||
South Coast | Length*Context | 6.17 | 0.005* |
Central Coast | Length*Context | 8.02 | 0.001* |
(B) Modern | |||
Log10(Proportion) of mussels ~ Length + Occupation time + Length*Occupation time | |||
South Coast | Length*Occupation time | 2.23 | 0.098 |
Central Coast | Length*Occupation time | 13.57 | 1.78e–07* |
Significant effects are starred.