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. 2022 Apr 5;13:810362. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.810362


Cohen’s d and the classification performance of single feature.

Features Cohen’s d Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) AUC (%)
IMM 1.42 84.03 73.91 98.00 91.87
VC 0.60 69.75 95.65 34.00 64.65
LAN 0.90 76.47 75.36 78.00 75.74
ATT 0.86 77.31 85.51 66.00 77.84
DEM 1.16 83.19 82.61 84.00 86.58
INT-C 0.59 64.71 53.62 80.00 66.00
INT-W 0.65 67.23 53.62 86.00 71.26
PSC-PPI 0.69 70.59 76.81 62.00 70.61
PSS-PPI 1.16 80.67 79.71 82.00 84.32
Abs-D 0.04 53.78 49.28 60.00 50.00
Abs-T 0.50 67.23 62.32 74.00 67.13
Abs-A 0.27 68.07 86.96 42.00 61.71
Abs-B 0.20 60.5 72.46 44.00 57.88
Abs-A/T 0.19 37.82 7.25 80.00 48.7
Abs-A/B 0.18 67.23 91.3 34.00 58.43
Abs-(D + T)/(A + B) 0.30 63.87 81.16 40.00 56.96
Abs-(D + T)L/(D + T)R 0.19 53.78 23.19 96.00 54.26
Abs-AL/AR 0.04 42.86 43.48 42.00 51.54
Abs-AFp/AO 0.62 68.07 76.81 56.00 67.68
Rel-D 0.46 66.39 82.61 44.00 63.1
Rel-T 0.53 63.03 62.32 64.00 64.35
Rel-A 0.23 63.87 78.26 44.00 56.23
Rel-B 0.13 53.78 36.23 78.00 56.12
Rel-A/T 0.21 56.3 52.17 62.00 52.87
Rel-A/B 0.21 65.55 89.86 32.00 58.35
Rel-(D + T)/(A + B) 0.21 63.03 79.71 40.00 55.59
Rel-(D + T)L/(D + T)R 0.20 58.82 56.52 62.00 56.61
Rel-AL/AR 0.07 47.06 46.38 48.00 47.8
Rel-AFp/AO 0.11 60.5 66.67 52.00 59.13
DFA-D 0.38 57.14 30.43 94.00 58.52
DFA-T 0.43 61.34 62.32 60.00 61.57
DFA-A 0.61 68.07 63.77 74.00 70.1
DFA-B 0.73 71.43 75.36 66.00 71.94
FD 0.13 54.62 46.38 66.00 53.46

AUC, area under receiver operating characteristic curve; IMM, immediate memory score; VC, visuospatial/constructional score; LAN, language score; ATT, attention score; DEM, delayed memory score; INT-C, color interference time; INT-W, word interference time; PPI, prepulse inhibition; PSC-PPI, perceived spatial co-location PPI; PSS-PPI, perceived spatial separation PPI; Abs, absolute power spectra; Rel, relative power spectra; D, T, A, B denote delta, theta, alpha, and beta frequency band, respectively; L, left; R, right; Fp, frontal pole; O, occipital; DFA, detrended fluctuation analysis; FD, fractal dimension.