Figure 4.
(A) Strategy for acetyltransferase p300/CBP associated factor (PCAF) and peptidylarginine deiminase type 1 (PAD) covalent immobilization. Reprinted with permission from ref (19a). Copyright 2018 John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (B) 3D-printed nylon part undergoes several modifications to covalently immobilize enzymes. Reprinted with permission from ref (19c). Copyright 2017 Royal Society of Chemistry. (C) Schematic of the silver nanoparticles coated on the polypropylene/polydopamine/polyethylenimine membrane used for covalent immobilization of the glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase enzymes. Reprinted with permission from ref (19b). Copyright 2020 John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (D) Sequential stages for covalent immobilization of Candida rugosa lipase on lattice geopolymers. Reprinted with permission from ref (19d). Copyright 2021 Elsevier.