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. 2022 Apr 19;15:28. doi: 10.1186/s13047-022-00533-8

Table 2.

Suitability and currency assessments of IWGDF guideline to adopt or adapt; using a customised NHMRC table of factors*

Item No. Item question Assessor 1 Assessor 2 Assessor 3 Assessor 4 Total score Total score % Suitability category^
 1 Is the clinical or public health context similar to Australia? 6 5 5 7 23 82% High
 2 Are the population, intended users and settings comparable? 6 6 7 7 26 93% High
 3 Are the recommended interventions available in Australia? 6 6 7 6 25 89% High
 4 Are the guideline questions relevant in the new (Australian) context? 6 7 7 7 27 96% High
 5 Do the values and preferences considered in the guideline reflect the new (Australian) context? 6 6 7 7 26 93% High
 6 Are relevant outcomes used? 6 7 7 7 27 96% High
Domain Score (sum of 6 items) 36 37 40 41 154 92% High
 7 When was the evidence review conducted (i.e. final literature search date)? July 2018 Oct 2018 July 2018 July 2018 < 3 years Moderate Moderate (Currency)#
 8 Is the evidence contained out of date? 6 7 6 6 27 96% High
 9 Are new studies’ findings conducted since the review likely to change the evidence? 6 7 6 6 27 96% High
 10 Has new evidence superseded the information contained in the recommendations? 6 7 6 6 27 96% High
 11 Does new evidence contradict the recommendations? 6 7 6 6 27 96% High
Domain Score (sum of 4 applicable items) 24 28 24 24 108 96% High
 12 Is there a detailed description of the development process? 7 7 7 7 28 100% High
 13 Were conflicts of interest declared and managed? 6 7 7 6 26 93% High
 14 Was a grading system used for the recommendations? 6 7 7 7 27 96% High
 15 Are the evidence tables clearly laid out and accurate? 6 7 7 6 26 93% High
 16 Was the evidence review systematic and well-documented? 7 7 7 7 28 100% High
Domain Score (sum of 5 items) 32 35 35 33 135 96% High
Access to evidence
 17 Are the tables detailing the source evidence (e.g. GRADE Evidence to Decision tables) available? 6 7 7 7 27 96% High
 18 Can permission be sought to use these tables? 6 7 7 7 27 96% High
Domain Score (sum of 2 items) 12 14 14 14 54 96% High
 19 Is information provided in the guideline to assist implementation? 4 6 3 5 18 64% Moderate
 20 Are steps taken to improve the guideline’s implementability? 4 6 2 5 17 61% Moderate
Domain Score (sum of 2 items) 8 12 5 10 35 63% Moderate
 21 Are the recommendations acceptable? 6 7 7 7 27 96% High
 22 Do the recommendations relate to current practice? 6 6 7 7 26 93% High
Domain Score (sum of 2 items) 12 13 14 14 53 95% High
Total Guideline Score (sum of all 21 applicable items) 124 139 132 136 531 90% High
Total Guideline Score % 84% 95% 90% 93%
Total Guideline Suitability Category High High High High

*Each item is scored using a 7-point Likert-scale: 1 = lowest possible score, 7 = highest possible score

^Suitability category definitions: High > 70%, Moderate 50–69%, and Low suitability < 50% for total score %

#Currency category definitions: High < 1 year, Moderate 1–3 years, and Low currency > 3 years since systematic review search date