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. 2022 Apr 19;302:114981. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114981

Table 2.

SEM estimates predicting intention and attitude.

Path coefficients predicting INT Estimate Std. Err. z-value P (>|z|) Standardized estimate
ATT 0.895 0.032 28.358 0.000 0.709
CCB 0.062 0.039 1.603 0.109 0.030
SKV −0.015 0.042 −0.368 0.713 −0.009
SKD 0.026 0.048 0.534 0.593 0.012
FCV 0.020 0.032 0.644 0.519 0.013
TPO 0.014 0.031 0.458 0.647 0.011
TSC −0.065 0.056 −1.164 0.244 −0.035
health 0.013 0.043 0.306 0.759 0.005
risk2a −0.003 0.080 −0.041 0.968 −0.001
risk3a −0.142 0.115 −1.227 0.220 −0.058
rel −0.001 0.018 −0.080 0.936 −0.001
pol 0.009 0.017 0.521 0.602 0.007
age2b −0.043 0.089 −0.477 0.633 −0.017
age3b 0.087 0.116 0.748 0.455 0.036
malec −0.105 0.069 −1.522 0.128 −0.043
edud 0.024 0.087 0.270 0.787 0.010
ince 0.017 0.084 0.205 0.838 0.007
immf −0.041 0.093 −0.442 0.658 −0.017
partg −0.042 0.074 −0.577 0.564 −0.017
Path coefficients predicting ATT
Std. Err.
P (>|z|)
Standardized estimate
CCB −0.232 0.034 −6.803 0.000 −0.143
SKV −0.292 0.037 −7.861 0.000 −0.211
SKD −0.045 0.036 −1.227 0.220 −0.026
FCV 0.334 0.027 12.199 0.000 0.262
TPO 0.016 0.022 0.747 0.455 0.015
TSC 0.503 0.047 10.667 0.000 0.337
health −0.032 0.033 −0.969 0.333 −0.015
risk2a 0.020 0.058 0.337 0.736 0.010
risk3a 0.122 0.086 1.428 0.153 0.063
rel −0.013 0.014 −0.958 0.338 −0.013
pol 0.017 0.014 1.200 0.230 0.017
age2b 0.255 0.070 3.653 0.000 0.132
age3b 0.425 0.088 4.834 0.000 0.220
malec 0.278 0.051 5.483 0.000 0.144
edud 0.113 0.056 2.020 0.043 0.059
ince 0.071 0.058 1.235 0.217 0.037
immf −0.171 0.067 −2.574 0.010 −0.089
partg −0.013 0.056 −0.225 0.822 −0.007
kidsh −0.116 0.061 −1.908 0.056 −0.060

Notes: n = 3110 (422 cases had missing values on predictors), estimator = MLR, INT = intention, ATT = attitude, CCB=COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, SKV = skepticism toward vaccines, SKD = skepticism toward doctors, FCV = fear of COVID-19, TPO = trust in politics, TSC = trust in science, health = self-rated health, risk2 & risk3 = COVID-19 risk, rel = religiosity, pol = political orientation, age2 & age3 = age, male = gender, edu = education, inc = income, imm = immigration background; part = partnership status, kids = living with kids. Reference categories (see also Online Appendix A1): a low risk, b age <30, c female, d below tertiary, e ≤ 4000€, f no immigration background, g single/divorced/widowed, h no. Correlations among predictors are not shown (see Online Appendix A9). Standardized estimates for binary predictors are standardized with respect to the dependent variable only (“std.nox” in lavaan).