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. 2022 Apr 19;157:102882. doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2022.102882

Table 1.

Calibration and estimation of model parameters: Rio de Janeiro.

Parameter Value Interpretation Source
Panel A: City parameters (6 parameters)
jM0(j,f) 0.222 Fraction of people living in slums Census
w(o) 1 Wage rate of non-slum agents Normalization
w(f) 0.277 Wage rate of slum agents Census
ξf 0.065 Frac. of space assigned to slums Census
ξo 0.934 Frac. of space assigned to areas wo slums Census
ζ 0.334 Prop. of time spent within group Work/all time outside

Panel B: Disease parameters (15 parameters)
Π0 11.43 Infectiousness of Covid-19 Internally estimated
α(o), α(f) 1 Prob. (serious sympt. | no recovery from mild) 1 week w/mild symptoms
ϕ(0,o) 0.971 Prob. of recovery from mild Covid-19, other CDC & Verity et al. (2020)
ϕ(0,f) 0.979 Prob. of recovery from mild Covid-19, slum CDC & Verity et al. (2020)
ϕ(1,o), ϕ(1,f) 0.284 Prob. of recovery from serious Covid-19 CDC & Verity et al. (2020)
δ~1(o) 0.118 Wkly death rate, other; critically ill with ICU CDC & Verity et al. (2020)
δ~1(f) 0.073 Wkly death rate, slum; critically ill with ICU CDC & Verity et al. (2020)
δ~2(o), δ~2(f) 1.0 Wkly death rate; critically ill wo ICU Assumption
¯ 0.158 Infections through the health care system Butler et al. (2018)
ψ 0.152 Prop. non-slum agents with priv. insurance ANS
Zpub 8.12e−5 ICU beds (per capita) in public system Covid Radar
Zpriv 4.9e−4 ICU beds (per capita) in private system Covid Radar

Panel C: Preference parameters (7 parameters)
ρ −1.72 Elast. of subst. bw leisure time and goods Kopecky (2011)
θ 0.108 Production of leisure goods Internally estimated
γ 1.089 Rel. utility weight—leisure goods Internally estimated
λd 2.453 Rel. utility weight—leisure at home Internally estimated
λa 1.995 Rel. utility weight—leisure at home; infected Internally estimated
β 0.961/52 Discount factor Standard
b 8.575 Value of being alive Internally estimated