(A and B) PPI network analysis revealed two modules that are significantly (FDR<0.1) enriched with RefMap genes: M421 (721 genes) (A) and M604 (308 genes) (B). Hypergeometric test was performed to quantify the enrichment followed by BH correction. Module nodes are colored to demonstrate the enrichment, where RefMap genes are in blue and other module genes are yellow. Edge thickness is proportional to STRING confidence score (>700). (C and D) RefMap modules, including M421 (C) and M604 (D), are enriched for MN functions localized within the distal axon. GOBP, gene ontology biological process; GOCC, gene ontology cellular compartment. Black vertical line represents P=0.05. (E) Representation of pathways enriched in each module (C and D) in MNs. (F) Comparative gene expression analysis of RefMap module genes in control MNs. All comparisons were performed using the one-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The bottom and top of the boxes indicate the first and third quartiles, respectively, where the black line in between indicates the median. Whiskers denote the minimal value within 1.5 IQR of the lower quartile and the maximum value within 1.5 IQR of the upper quartile. Red symbols denote outliers. Black dashed lines indicate the lower and upper limits of the regions with regular scale. Outliers beyond the black dashed lines are visualized with a compressed scale in the regions denoted by gray lines. See also Figures S3A, S3C, S3D and Table S5.