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. 2022 Apr 19;22(5):305–311. doi: 10.1007/s11910-022-01192-9

Box 1.

Positive clinical features of functional movement disorders

Functional hypokinetic movement disorder Functional hyperkinetic movement disorders Functional axial movement disorders
General Tremor and myoclonus Gait
Excessive slowness and fatigue Variable frequency Knee buckling
Giveway weakness Entrainment to different frequencies Excessive slowness
Distractibility and variability Suppression with contralateral movements Dragging one leg
Leg Weakness Dystonia Resolution with change of pace or direction
Hoover sign* Fixed at onset Decreased swaying with distraction
Hip abductor sign** Inconsistent resistance Absent or controlled falls
Ability to stand on heels or toes despite supine plantar or dorsiflexion weakness Lack of sensory trick Speech
Arm weakness Lack of overflow Excessively effortful
Drift without pronation Tics Acute onset adult stuttering
Finger abductor sign*** Not stereotypical Variable foreign accent
Parkinsonism “Explosive” onset in adulthood of complex tics with lack of simple tics Swallowing
Slow tapping without speed or amplitude decrement Lack of premonitory urge Globus sensation despite not swallowing anything
Inconsistent rigidity Inability to suppress

*Pressure is felt under the paretic leg when the non-paretic leg is raised. No pressure is felt in the non-paretic leg when the paretic leg is being raised

**Weakness of hip abduction in a paretic leg that resolves with contralateral hip abduction against resistance in the normal leg

***Weakness of fingers abduction that resolves with contralateral finger abduction against resistance