Extended Data Fig. 1 |. Spatiotemporal expression of CBLN2 in the human and macaque neocortex.
a-c, Spatiotemporal expression of CBLN2 expression in the human and macaque cerebral cortex during development base on BrainSpan (brainspan.org) and PsychENCODE (development.psychencode.org, evolution.psychencode.org) human and macaque RNA-seq data15,20. The RNA-seq data consisted of tissue-level samples comprising the pial surface, marginal zone, cortical plate (layers 2–6) and adjacent subplate zone, of eleven prospective neocortical areas. Red and blue lines indicate human and macaque PFC CBLN2 expression, respectively, and dotted lines represent the non-PFC CBLN2 expression. Vertical grey box demarcates mid-fetal developmental periods. Predicted ages, timeline of human and macaque development and the associated periods are shown below. Visual representation of CBLN2 in human cortex with heatmaps of regional expression in human and macaque below during period 4–6 (b) and period 12–13 (c). Darker reds represent high expression levels. d, Anteroposterior visual representation of human CBLN2 expression at PCW 21 from the BrainSpan human prenatal laser microdissection microarray data (brainspan.org)37.