Fig. 4. Viability and morphology of mouse, porcine, human and SC-beta islets following cryopreservation.
a, Morphology of mouse islets from live control, VR (cryopreserved by VR) and conventional (cryopreserved by conventional slow freezing) was evaluated by brightfield microscopy, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) histology, and TEM. For the conventional group, a mixture of intact and disrupted islets was observed. Examples of disrupted islet gross morphology due to ice formation are shown in the brightfield and H&E histology. b, Viability (percentage of live control) of mouse, SC-beta, porcine and human islets from treatment groups including live control, VR, VR 9 months (islets stored in LN2 for 9 months before rewarming), conventional (cryopreserved by conventional slow freezing) and dead control (treated by 75% ethanol). ND, not done. One-way ANOVA with Games–Howell post hoc test was used to compare groups, and P values from informative pairwise comparisons are shown (n = 3–34 per group; exact number in Supplementary Table 3). c, Confocal microscope images (AO/PI) of mouse, SC-beta, porcine and human islets from treatment groups, including live control, VR and conventional. d, TUNEL-stained images of mouse, SC-beta and human islets from treatment groups, including live control, VR and conventional. Bottom panel is Annexin V staining of mouse islets from the same treatment groups. Scale bars represent 2 µm for TEM, 50 µm for brightfield images, 70 µm for histology and TUNEL images and 100 µm for all fluorescence images. Data are shown as individual data points and mean ± s.d.