A, Schematic representation of experimental design. B, Percentage of freezing during fear conditioning. C, Percentage of freezing during retrieval testing. Recent (Recent Ret) and remote (Remote Ret) CSs evoked similar and high levels of freezing compared to the no-retrieval (No Ret) control. D, Recent and remote fear retrieval induced similar and high levels of c-Fos expression in the BLA. Context exposure alone (No Ret) activated BLA c-Fos at a lower level. E, Representative images showing c-Fos immunofluorescence in the BLA from all groups and schematic atlas template showing the area within the BLA that was imaged for c-Fos counting. Data are shown as means ± SEMs. *p < 0.05, n = 6 per group. CS, conditioned stimulus; Ret, retrieval; IHC, immunohistochemistry; BL, baseline; BLA, basolateral amygdala; ns, no significant difference.