Osteoid osteoma |
Success rates: 91.7–96.9% |
Success rates similar to RFA [32] |
Success rates similar to RFA [34, 72–74] |
Good pain reduction, with low rates of minor complications (14.3%) and recurrence (4.8%) [75] |
97% complete resolution of pain, evidence of bone healing and no complications up to 24 months [35] |
No correlation between treatment failure and ablation duration, patient age or lesion location [12–14, 71] |
Effective pain relief at 1 month in 92.3–100 [64] |
In appendicular OO, skin protection is key |
Malignant lesions: curative intent |
67% tumour-free survival 1 year post-RFA or CA in oligometastases [76] |
No large series analysing the feasibility, safety and efficacy of MWA in the curative setting |
In oligometastatic disease, local control in 68%, with 1- and 2-year survival of 91% and 84%, median disease-free survival of 7 months and disease-free survival of 25% and 7% at 1 and 2 years |
100% overall survival at 1 year for sarcoma oligometastases [6] |
Tumour-free survival of 21 months [21, 76] |
Malignant lesions: palliative intent |
Particularly useful in patients with recalcitrant pain [77, 78] |
Effective pain palliation in metastases [1, 4, 5, 23, 25] |
Safe and effective method for pain palliation with early reduction in pain scores and analgesic requirements sustained at 1 month, with further improvement in the following 6 months [79–81] |
Pain relief in 2/3 patients with painful metastases within 3 days. 64.3% of patients improved pain score of at least 2 points on the numerical rating scale at 3 months |
Pain relief superior in axial compared to appendicular tumours |
Estimated pain reduction was 5.3/10 at 1 month; and 5.3/10 at last review (20–24 weeks in 4/5 studies) [64] |
Good local tumour control (79% at 12 months) [82] |
23.2% of patients had a complete response [48] |
Bipolar radiofrequency ablation (b-RFA) with increased target temperature (> 70 °C) in combination with vertebroplasty achieved pain relief (80% efficacy) and local tumour control in oligometastatic/oligoprogressive lesions (100% efficacy) [78] |