Fig. 2.
Progression of disability: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) overall score by week in evaluable patients (n = 13). Treatment ended week 24 (assessment performed at week 25) and follow-up ended week 48. Box plot displays median (IQR). Whiskers ( −) are the minimum value; whiskers ( +) are the maximum value. The mean value is indicated by a plus sign. Green dots are slow progressor patients with an ALSFRS-R slope less than − 0.8 points/month. Orange dots are normal progressor patients with an ALSFRS-R slope between − 0.8 and − 1.33 points per month. Red dots are fast progressor patients with an ALSFRS-R slope greater than − 1.33 points/month. IQR, interquartile range