Fig. 3. The percentage of papers in the sampled in 2009 and 2019 in neuroscience and psychiatry that reported use of both sexes, and the breakdown of how papers were using both sexes.
Plotted are the percentage of proportional papers within each journal and year, n = the number of research papers within each category. a Percentage of papers reporting studies using both sexes in any aspect of the paper, regardless of consistency or balanced ratios. The percentage of papers reporting studies including males and females increased significantly for neuroscience (Newman–Keul’s post hoc p = 0.003, two-tailed) but not psychiatry papers (interaction effect of year by discipline: F(1,8) = 8.844, p = 0.017, Newman–Keul’s post hoc p = 0.319, two-tailed). Number of papers: neuroscience 2009 n = 316, 2019 n = 646; psychiatry 2009 n = 288, 2019 n = 249. b Percentage of papers reporting studies using both sexes consistently throughout the paper with balanced ratios of the sexes. Number of papers: neuroscience 2009 n = 130, 2019 n = 158; psychiatry 2009 n = 103, 2019 n = 87. c Percentage of papers not reporting sex (sex omission) was decreased in the neuroscience discipline; discipline by year interaction (F(1,8) = 45.21, p = 0.0001, Newman–Keul’s post hoc p = 0.0002, two-tailed). Number of papers: neuroscience 2009 n = 617, 2019 n = 25; psychiatry 2009 n = 34, 2019 n = 14. Means +/− standard error of the mean. d Unbalanced design (i.e., more than 60% of the subjects were one sex) was 34.52% of all papers including both sexes Number of papers: neuroscience 2009 n = 105, 2019 n = 154; psychiatry 2009 n = 142, 2019 n = 98. e Papers reporting studies using both sexes but not disclosing sample sizes, increased in the neuroscience sample (a priori p = 0.015; interaction (F(1, 8) = 3.73, p = 0.089) but not in the psychiatry sample (p = 0.717). Number of papers: neuroscience 2009 n = 69, 2019 n = 304; psychiatry 2009 n = 27, 2019 n = 38. f Inconsistent use of sex within the studies reported in a paper (i.e., using a balanced ratio in one study within the paper, and an unbalanced ratio or one sex in the other studies within the paper) accounted for 15.11% of papers that we had identified as reporting studies using males and females Number of papers: neuroscience 2009 n = 55, 2019 n = 102; psychiatry 2009 n = 17, 2019 n = 34. Means ∓ standard error of the mean. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.