Fig. 3. Regional and system variation in local coupling patterns.
a The maximum variance explained for each brain region by any of the factors. b Brain systems mapped onto cortical surface. c Maximum variance explained grouped by brain system. Each point represents a brain region (N = 400 parcels defined based on40). In each boxplot, the “box” denotes interquartile range (IQR), the horizontal bar indicates the median value, and the whiskers include points that are within 1.5 × IQR of upper and lower bounds of the IQR (25th and 7th percentiles). Any points that fall beyond the whiskers are, by convention, considered outliers. d Surface projection of the factors that best explain each region’s FC pattern. e For each subject we calculated the most predictive factor for every brain region. Here, we group these factors at the level of the entire cerebral cortex (All) and at the level of individual systems. f For each region and factor, we calculated the fraction of subjects for which that factor explained the most variance. Here, we project these values to the cortical surface. Note here that the colors projected onto the surface are continuous; grays correspond to regions where a predictor was optimal for few subjects while brighter colors correspond to regions where a predictor was optimal for many subjects. In all panels the colorscale was capped at a value of 0.3. Note that the base colors for each surface plot correspond to different predictors and not varying levels of consistency across subjects or statistical significance. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.