Table 2.
Case | Sex | Age (years) | Size (cm) | Site | Occurence | Color | Symptoms | Duration (months) | Treatment | Follow-up (months) | Outcome |
1 | F | 39 | > 10 | Maxilla | Primary | Swelling and facial asymmetry | NS | NS | Surgical excision | NS | NS |
2* | M | 69 | 1 | Mandible | Metastasis | Swelling with ulcerative regions | Numbness in lower lip | 4 | Surgical excision | 12 | Dead |
3 | F | 38 | 4 | Mandible | Metastasis | NS | Numbness in lower lip | 3 | NS | NS | NS |
4 | F | 56 | 2 | Gingiva | Metastasis | Swelling with ulcerative regions | NS | 2 | NS | NS | NS |
5 | F | 36 | 14 | Mandible | Primary | Swelling and bone destruction | Inferior alveolar nerve paresthesia | NS | NS | NS | NS |
M male, F female, NS Not specified
*Previously reported case: [17]