Table 1.
Morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of hamster groups
C group (n=10) |
HT group (n=15) |
BW [g] |
103.6±12.3 |
116.4±12.8* |
LVW [mg] |
319.9±15.3 |
445.1±19.9* |
LVW/BW [mg g–1] |
3.09±0.11 |
3.85±0.17* |
Heart rate [beats min–1] |
321.4±6.2 |
390.4±2.3* |
P [mmHg] |
83±1.6 |
158±5.5* |
dP/dt max [mmHg s–1] |
1922.2±235.2 |
3268.3±84.8* |
dP/dt min [mmHg s–1] |
841.2±16.7 |
1433.8±176.6 |
NOx [μmol L–1] |
21.3±2.1 |
9.5±1.8* |
Blood glucose [mg dL–1] |
65.7±5.5 |
58.6±4.2 |
Serum cholesterol [mg dL–1] |
118.06±6.7 |
108.6±5.8 |
Serum ACE activity [nmol His–Leu mL–1 min–1] |
28.06±4.8 |
34.8±4.4 |
ACE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme; BW: Body weight; C: Control; His–Leu: Histidyl–leucine; HT: NG-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (L-NAME)-induced hypertensive animals; LVW: Left ventricular weight; n: No. of animals; P: Mean arterial pressure; dP/dt: Rate of change (rise or decline) of pressure with respect to time. Values are expressed as means ± standard error of the mean (SEM); *p<0.05 vs. C group