Table 1.
Parameter | Mean and (Range) of Estimated Values | Unit | Description |
1.737 (0.129–3.976) | mmHg / (mL s−2) | Blood inertance in perfusion circuit and epicardial vessels | |
2.729 (0.367–8.511) | mmHg / (mL s−1) | Resistance in perfusion circuit and epicardial vessels | |
0.0211 (0.009–0.042) | mL / mmHg | Compliance in perfusion circuit and epicardial vessels | |
0.455 (0.218–0.643) | mL | Reference volume | |
0.194 (0.020–0.599) | mL | Collapsible volume | |
104.00 (46.33–217.43) | mmHg / (mL s−1) | Reference subendocardial arterial resistance | |
0.0044 (0.001–0.010) | mL / mmHg | Subendocardial arterial compliance | |
0.8686 (0.716–0.999) | − | The ratio of subepicardial to subendocardial compliance | |
1.4549 (2.047–1.006) | − | The ratio of subepicardial to subendocardial resistance | |
0.3360 (0.034–0.819) | − | Degree of graded vasoreactivity | |
[7.43 (1.006–19.522), 7.11 (2.015–12.183), 2.55 (1.163–6.221), 0.38 (0.002–0.999), 0.30 (0.003–0.999)] |
− | Vasoreactivity factor for CPP=40,60,80,120,140 mmHg |