K306 agonism does not require the C2 domain to agonize SHIP1
(A) Structure of the tSHIP1, SHIP1-Enzyme (S1-Enz), SHIP1ΔC2 (S1ΔC2), and SHIP2-Enzyme (S2-Enz) constructs.
(B) Malachite Green Phosphatase Release assay measurements of K306 or AQX-MN100 agonism on purified SHIP1ΔC2. Data in (B) are representative of three independent experiments. Bars indicate mean ±SEM. The significance of agonism for each compound vs. vehicle was assessed for all concentration tested via a two-way ANOVA∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, ∗∗∗p < 0.001).