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. 2022 Apr 20;2022:6828538. doi: 10.1155/2022/6828538

Table 1.

Summary of hospital course.

Day T max WBC SCr Cultures Antimicrobials Imaging Comments
ED 40.5 8.0 5.10 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA; TTP 8.3 hours Vancomycin 1750 mg IV × 1 X-ray R foot/ankle, X-ray chest per HPI
1 37.9 8.1 4.44 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA Cefepime 2 g IV q24 h, linezolid 600 mg IV q12 h, remdesivir 200 mg IV × 1 CT chest PE protocol: no PE, possible septic emboli and L IJ thrombophlebitis Ortho attempted aspiration of R ankle—dry tap. Oxacillin 2 g IV q4 h started following detection of MSSA in ED blood cultures.
2 37.3 8.7 4.19 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA Oxacillin 2 g IV q4 h Panorex: periapical abscesses at #30. Duplex LEs: No DVTs. TTE: No vegetations Remdesivir stopped by MICU due to AKI. ID consulted.
3 37.3 7.6 2.53 Ankle tissue culture: 5/5 MSSA; tracheal aspirate: MSSA MRI R ankle (Figure 1): diffuse skin thickening and edema of foot and ankle w/o evidence of OM; large complex tibiotalar joint effusion w/synovitis and abscess along the FHL muscle OR with ortho s/p R ankle I&D and arthrotomy; R leg FHL abscess I&D. Dental consulted.
4 38.5 5.3 2.12 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA X-ray chest: mild interval improvement in b/l interstitial airspace opacities c/w COVID-19 pneumonia, septic pulmonary emboli Weaned off BiPAP; CPAP at night only. Tooth #30 extracted.
5 38.8 5.7 1.82 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA
6 38.9 6.2 1.57 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA; COVID-19 RNA nasopharyngeal swab: positive Oxacillin 2 g IV q4 h, ceftriaxone 2 g IV × 1 CT CAP w/contrast: cavitating pulmonary septic emboli, fluid collection around L SC joint c/f early septic arthritis, phlegmon within R iliacus muscle. X-ray L knee/ankle: L knee medial osteoarthritis, L foot cellulitis, and acute on chronic achilles tendinopathy Ceftriaxone added by ICU team for Gram-negative coverage given fever and tachycardia; X-rays looking for prior hardware; no surgical indication for SC joint per thoracic surgery.
7 38.7 4.2 1.47 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA Oxacillin 2 g IV q4 h, ceftriaxone 1 g IV q24 h Tee: no vegetations noted
MSK IR consulted for iliacus muscle phlegmon.
8 37.9 7.1 1.51 Bcx: 1/1 MSSA X-ray L shoulder/R knee: no evidence of OM or septic arthritis. MRI L knee/ankle/foot: severe L knee chondrosis, small L knee joint effusions, L ankle and foot cellulitis, small nonspecific collection extending dorsally from between the base of the L 3rd and 4th metatarsal, likely represents extension of adventitial bursitis. US lower back: loculated fluid collection deep and posterior in pelvis. MRI brain/spine (Figure 2): C3-C4 discitis/OM w/epidural abscess, no intracranial abnormality. CT spine: C3-C4 discitis/OM w/epidural abscess Transferred to floor.
9 37.7 Bcx: 1/1 MSSA; TTP = 13.6 hours Ceftriaxone discontinued. ID recommend to change oxacillin to cefazolin plus ertapenem. Last dose dexamethasone given. Ortho spine consulted.
10 37.2 7.1 1.39 Bcx: 2/2 MSSA; TTP = 22.5 hrs; L foot aspiration: MSSA; cervical spine wound: MSSA Cefazolin 2 g IV q8 h, ertapenem 1 g IV q24 h
11 36.9 6.0 1.23 Bcx: 2/2 no growth L 3rd/4th metatarsal aspiration; OR for cervical fusion/epidural abscess drainage with ortho spine.
12 37.2 4.1 1.10 Bcx: 2/2 no growth

Bcx, blood culture(s); TTP, time-to-positivity; FHL, flexor hallucis longus; SC, sternoclavicular; OM, osteomyelitis.