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. 2022 Apr 20;22:280. doi: 10.1186/s12888-022-03920-4

Table 5.

Standardized factor loading estimates for confirmatory factor analysis models

DSM-5 symptoms Four-factor DSM-5 model Six-factor Anhedonia model Seven-factor
Hybrid model
Factor Factor Loads Factor Factor Loads Factor Factor Loads
1. Repeated memories R 0.62 R 0.62 R 0.62
2. Repeated dreams R 0.62 R 0.62 R 0.62
3. Flashbacks R 0.60 R 0.60 R 0.60
4. Upset when reminded R 0.68 R 0.67 R 0.67
5. Physical reaction when reminded R 0.57 R 0.57 R 0.56
6. Avoidance of thoughts A 0.66 A 0.66 A 0.66
7. Avoidance of reminders A 0.61 A 0.61 A 0.61
8. Trouble remembering NACM 0.52 NA 0.52 NA 0.52
9. Negative beliefs NACM 0.67 NA 0.73 NA 0.73
10. Blame of self or others NACM 0.60 NA 0.67 NA 0.67
11. Negative feelings NACM 0.62 NA 0.67 NA 0.67
12. Loss of interest NACM 0.68 An 0.71 An 0.71
13. Feeling distant NACM 0.69 An 0.73 An 0.73
14. Trouble positive feelings NACM 0.67 An 0.70 An 0.70
15. Irritable behavior AR 0.74 DA 0.74 EB 0.73
16. Reckless behavior AR 0.57 DA 0.56 EB 0.56
17. Being super alert AR 0.21 AA 0.25 AA 0.25
18. Feeling jumpy AR 0.71 AA 0.92 AA 0.91
19. Difficulty concentrating AR 0.72 DA 0.72 DA 0.76
20. Trouble sleeping AR 0.62 DA 0.60 DA 0.64

R Re-experiencing, A Avoidance, NACM Negative alterations in cognitions and mood, AR Alterations in arousal and reactivity, NA Negative affect, An Anhedonia, DA Dysphoric arousal, AA Anxious arousal, EB Externalizing behaviors