(A) Representation of pausing kinetics under steady-state and flavopiridol-inhibited conditions. The steady-state observed turnover ()is the sum of the rates of release into elongation () and premature termination (). Upon flavopiridol inhibition, observed turnover is caused only by premature termination.
(B) The distribution of the first-order rate constants for total turnover, release into elongation, and premature termination.
(C) Metaplots of TT-TL-seq signal grouped into even quartiles by release and termination of the respective high confidence TSS (n = 2422 genes). Coverage is determined over 50 nt bins.
(D) Total observed rate constant plotted versus the log2 ratio of the release rate and termination rate. Points are colored if the 80% credible interval of the log2 ratio does not overlap zero and the median value is greater than 1 (blue) or less than −1 (red).