Figure 4.
Recovery of infectious virus from respiratory samples of patients infected with Delta or Omicron. (a) Percent CPE positives and negatives for Delta and Omicron; total, patients who received a booster, fully vaccinated, and unvaccinated groups. Fisher Exact test (p, N, and CI, Table 5). (b) Percent CPE positives and negatives for Delta and Omicron; total, patients who received a booster, fully vaccinated, and unvaccinated groups with Ct values less than 20. Fisher Exact test (p, N, and CI, Table 5). (c) Box and whisker plots of Ct of Delta and Omicron samples, CPE positive and negative. Horizontal bars denote median Ct values. One-way ANOVA p < 0.05. (d) Distribution of sample collection time from each group in relation to days from the onset of symptoms. In c and d, total numbers per group are shown on top of each box.