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. 2022 Apr 20;17(4):e0265594. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0265594

Table 3. Medical problems related characteristics of mothers who gave birth at public hospitals in Sidama region, Southeast Ethiopia, 2020 (n = 405).

Variables Category Case (n = 135) Control (n = 270)
Frequency % Frequency % P
Nutritional status of women in MUAC SAM 46 34.1% 86 31.9% 0.736
Moderate 53 39.3% 102 37.8%
Normal(>23) 36 26.7% 82 30.4%
Height of women in centimeter < 150 15 11.1% 21 7.8% 0.266
≥ 150 120 88.9% 249 92.2%
Hgb of mother at booking in mg/dl < 11 25 18.5% 39 14.1% 0.289
≥ 11 110 81.5% 231 85.6%
Chronic medical problem Yes 39 28.9% 26 9.6% 0.001
No 96 71.1% 244 90.4%
Urinary tract infections Yes 44 32.6% 30 11.1% 0.001
No 91 67.4% 240 88.9%
Sexually transmitted infections Yes 15 11.1% 21 7.8% 0.266
No 120 88.9% 249 92.2%
HIV status of Mother Reactive 14 10.4% 19 7% 0.248
Non-reactive 121 89.6% 251 93%

MUAC; Middle upper arm circumference, SAM; Severe acute malnutrition, %; Percentage.