(A, B) Observed ASVs (A) (p-values generated using paired t-test) and Shannon diversity (B) increased from baseline through choice phase. Observed ASVs significantly correlated with time using linear mixed effects (LME) model (p-value=2.3e-3 for Observed ASVs, p-value=1.4e-3 for Shannon).
(C) Total fermented food intake, yogurt, and vegetable brine drinks positively correlated with observed ASVs using linear mixed effects (LME) model (p-value adjusted ≤ 0.05).
(D) Rank normalized ASVs that were significantly correlated with fermented food consumption over time using an LME model (p-value adjusted ≤ 0.05). Graphs are colored by taxonomic family.
(E) New ASVs (not present at baseline weeks −2 or 0 but detected at any other time during the intervention) that were detected in fermented foods were aggregated and summed for each participant and plotted as a percentage of all new ASVs by time point for the high-fermented food diet arm. Dotted line indicates trend for high-fiber diet arm.