Table 3.
Bonding with co-workers |
I do also feel like I am able to make a difference like no other time in my career...and the teamwork has never felt stronger. My coworkers have really bonded. (Urban hospital registered nurse) |
More teamwork improved care |
The doctors and nurses have, in my opinion, worked more collaborative. They really ask our opinion and respect our profession a bit more than before and vice versa. We had some amazing doctors jumping in to help with duties they have never done before and I think that really improved patient care. (Teaching hospital advanced practice nurse) I believe this pandemic showed us all the importance of working as a team. It would have not been possible without the cooperation from everyone. Everyone played an intricate part in trying to save the lives of our community. I was very proud of all my co-workers, the nurses, travelers, doctors, respiratory therapists, X-ray techs, dietary, MDD, engineering, building services, and upper management who jumped right in to do what was needed to assist and make a difference. I am honored to work for an Organization who went to every length to assist the affected community and it's employees. This truly was the year of the Nurse and the patient! (Community hospital registered nurse) |
Humility & respect |
It was refreshing to see attending MDs with decades of experience all eagerly learning how to care for covid patients as self-proclaimed new residents/interns. Many volunteered. Previously intimidating providers seemed more personable as everyone was outside of their own comfort zone. (Academic medical center registered nurse) |