Fig. 1. Somatic mutation burden in mammalian colorectal crypts.
a, Histology images of colon samples from horse, lion, naked mole-rat and rat, with one colorectal crypt marked in each. Scale bars, 250 µm. b, Burden of somatic substitutions and indels per diploid genome in each colorectal crypt sample (corrected for the size of the analysable genome). Samples are grouped by individual, with samples from the same individual coloured in the same shade. Species, and individuals within each species, are sorted by mean mutation burden. c, Linear regression of somatic substitution burden (corrected for analysable genome size) on individual age for dog, human, mouse and naked mole-rat samples. Samples from the same individual are shown in the same colour. Regression was performed using mean mutation burdens per individual. Shaded areas indicate 95% confidence intervals of the regression line.