Table 1.
Extracted information of included studies
Variable | Values/Categories |
General information for descriptive analysis | |
Country | Spain, Australia, the Netherlands, South Africa |
Received datea | DD/MM/YYYY |
Received date after publication of HOC estimate = 1; otherwise = 0 |
Spain: if received date was after 04/01/2016 (online publication of report to the Ministry of Health [25]) Australia: if received date was after 22/12/2017 (online publication of Edney et al. [21]) The Netherlands: if received date was after 01/10/2018 (online publication of van Baal et al. 2019 [19]) South Africa: if received date was after 03/03/2020 (online publication of Edoka et al. 2020 [21]) |
CET valueb | Numerical (e.g., 20,000€/QALY) |
CET source | Text (e.g., Edney et al. 2018) [21] |
CET descriptionc | Text (original text where authors justify the use, if any, of the selected CET) |
Information extracted/constructed for regression analyses | |
Dependent variable | |
Used HOC value (binary) | HOC estimate used as CET = 1; otherwise = 0 |
CET value (continuous)c | Numerical expressed in US$ |
Explanatory variables | |
Time since HOC publication | Numerical (days from HOC estimate publication date to study submission to journal) |
Conflict of interest | Yes; Potentiald; None; Not reported |
Disease/condition | ICD-10 chapters |
Rare disease | No; Yese |
Intervention type | Pharmaceutical/vaccine; device; screening/tests; surgery/procedure; educational/behavioural; other |
Comparator | Do nothing/placebo; usual care; another alternative |
Methodology | Model-based; observational; controlled trial; other |
Perspective | Societal; public healthcare system; healthcare provider; patient; other |
Population | Newborns and infants; children and adolescents; adults; elderly non age-specific |
CEA study result categories: Spain/Australiaf | Dominant; ICER < €20k/AUS$20k; ICER between €20k/AUS$20k to €30k/AUS$50k; ICER > €30k/AUS$50k or dominated |
ICER value (continuous) | Numerical expressed in US$ |
Country | Spain; Australia |
CEAs cost-effectiveness analyses, CET cost-effectiveness threshold, HOC health opportunity cost, QALY quality-adjusted life year, ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, ID International classification of diseases
aWe used the received date of the paper by the journal (submission date) when indicated to categorise the paper as before/after the publication of the HOC estimate instead of the publication date to allow for the lag between submissions and publications of accepted papers
bIf authors used a range, the upper limit was recorded
cThis information was collected to aid understanding the rationale for authors to select specific CET values. The most common reasons reported included that the value was “the CET most commonly cited” (for arbitrary values), “the value applied by regulatory bodies” (for policy thresholds), and “a recent empirical estimation” (for HOC-based values)
dPotential conflict of interest was recorded when study co-authors reported having received funding from industry in the past
eIf study authors reported the disease was rare
fRanges were defined differently in Australia and Spain to relate categories to whether the ICER was below/above the commonly cited CET figure used in each country