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. 2022 Apr 7;10:858144. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.858144

Table 1.

Results: assessment of reflective measurement and composite models.

Construct Type Items Loadings/Weights CR AVE Mean SD
Nursing participation in hospital affairs Reflective HA2 0.671 0.909 0.557 3.16 0.44
HA3 0.780
HA4 0.823
HA5 0.834
HA6 0.791
HA7 0.778
HA8 0.659
HA9 0.601
Nursing foundations for quality of care Reflective FQ3 0.773 0.907 0.619 3.28 0.41
FQ4 0.796
FQ5 0.786
FQ7 0.714
FQ8 0.831
FQ9 0.816
Nursing manager ability, leadership, and support of nurses Reflective NM1 0.825 0.886 0.661 3.19 0.48
NM2 0.833
NM3 0.766
NM4 0.827
Staffing and resource adequacy Reflective SR1 0.844 0.919 0.739 2.96 0.69
SR2 0.875
SR3 0.865
SR4 0.854
Nurse–physician relationship Reflective NR1 0.911 0.954 0.874 3.31 0.57
NR2 0.948
NR3 0.945
Assurance of human presence Reflective ASSU1 0.650 0.926 0.610
ASSU2 0.750
ASSU3 0.756
ASSU4 0.821
ASSU5 0.848
ASSU6 0.863
ASSU7 0.735
ASSU8 0.806
Knowledge and skill Reflective KAS1 0.677 0.900 0.695
KAS2 0.867
KAS3 0.905
KAS4 0.867
Respectful deference to the other Reflective RESPECT1 0.882 0.869 0.769
RESPECT2 0.872
Positive connectedness Reflective CONNECT2 0.869 0.880 0.786
CONNECT3 0.904
Caring behavior Composite ASSU 0.413 [0.293, 0.525] 2.622 5.23 0.64
CON 0.295 [0.179, 0.399] 2.444
KAS 0.218 [0.105, 0.332] 2.235
RES 0.234 [0.138, 0.333] 1.816

CR, composite reliability; AVE, average variance extracted; VIF, variance inflation factor; ASSU, assurance of human presence; NR, nurse–physician relationship; CON, positive connectedness; KAS, knowledge and skill; FQ, nursing foundations for quality of care; NM, nursing manager ability, leadership, and support of nurses; HA, nursing participation in hospital affairs; RES, respectful deference to the other; SR, staffing and resource adequacy.