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. 2022 Apr 7;9:870176. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.870176


Univariate and multivariate analysis of prognostic variables.

Univariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
Prognostic variables HR (95%CIs) P-value HR (95%CIs) P-value
Age 1.0202 (1.0107–1.0298) <0.001 1.0311 (1.0210–1.0412) <0.001
Gender (male) 0.8262 (0.6605–1.0337) 0.095
Ethnicity (white) 0.8842 (0.7070–1.1059) 0.281
Marital status (married) 0.7588 (0.6066–0.9493) 0.016 0.9003 (0.7134–1.1361) 0.376
Admission type (emergency) 1.9761 (1.5869–2.4607) <0.001 1.5111 (1.2015–1.9003) <0.001
BMI 1.0115 (0.9946–1.0286) 0.183
Hypertension 0.6050 (0.4719–0.7756) <0.001 0.8510 (0.6567–1.1028) 0.222
Cardiac arrhythmia 1.6120 (1.2618–2.0594) <0.001 1.0437 (0.8053–1.3527) 0.746
Congestive heart failure 1.1881 (0.9463–1.4916) 0.138
Valvular disease 0.8345 (0.6481–1.074) 0.161
Pulmonary hypertension 1.4850 (1.0128–2.1774) 0.043 1.4136 (0.9557–2.0911) 0.083
Chronic pulmonary disease 1.3267 (1.0494–1.6774) 0.018 1.3048 (1.0243–1.6622) 0.031
Peripheral vascular disease 1.2580 (0.9621–1.6450) 0.093
Cerebrovascular disease 1.2066 (0.9162–1.5891) 0.181
Diabetes mellitus 1.0161 (0.8153–1.2665) 0.887
Renal disease 1.1924 (0.9512–1.4947) 0.127
Severe liver disease 2.5193 (1.6443–3.8598) <0.001 1.8495 (1.1695–2.9249) 0.009
Charlson comorbidity index 1.1101 (1.0655–1.1565) <0.001 0.9878 (0.9304–1.0488) 0.689
Laboratory variables
NMLR 1.0191 (1.0145–1.0238) <0.001 1.0082 (1.0026–1.0138) 0.004
WBC 1.0107 (1.0053–1.0161) <0.001 1.0071 (0.9980–1.0164) 0.126
Monocyte 1.0032 (1.0006–1.0058) 0.016
Neutrophil 1.0003 (1.0002–1.0005) <0.001
Lymphocyte 0.9998 (0.9985–1.0011) 0.757
Platelet 1.0002 (0.9990–1.0014) 0.742
Hematocrit 0.9861 (0.9703–1.0021) 0.088
Hemoglobin 0.9287 (0.8857–0.9736) 0.002
MCH 0.9786 (0.9373–1.0217) 0.325
MCHC 0.8184 (0.7630–0.8778) <0.001 0.9007 (0.8397–0.9661) 0.003
MCV 1.0209 (1.0041–1.0380) 0.015
RBC 0.8358 (0.7305–0.9563) 0.009 0.9701 (0.8310–1.1325) 0.701
RDW 1.0867 (1.0478–1.1271) <0.001 0.9925 (0.9463–1.0411) 0.759
Troponin T 1.0582 (1.0309–1.0861) <0.001 1.0141 (0.9788–1.0507) 0.439
CKMB 1.0026 (1.0015–1.0037) <0.001 1.0025 (1.0012–1.0038) <0.001
Anion Gap 1.0913 (1.0723–1.1107) <0.001 1.0248 (1.0028–1.0474) 0.027
Bicarbonate 0.9185 (0.8982–0.9393) <0.001 1.0188 (0.9903–1.0480) 0.200
BUN 1.0126 (1.0090–1.0161) <0.001 1.0009 (0.9950–1.0069) 0.763
Calcium 0.6404 (0.5633–0.7280) <0.001 0.8890 (0.7725–1.0230) 0.100
Chloride 0.9821 (0.9642–1.0003) 0.054
Creatinine 1.0963 (1.0497–1.1450) <0.001 0.9557 (0.8882–1.0282) 0.225
Glucose 1.0022 (1.0015–1.0029) <0.001 1.0010 (1.0002–1.0019) 0.014
Sodium 0.9852 (0.9634–1.0074) 0.190
Potassium 1.3402 (1.1658–1.5405) <0.001 1.0826 (0.9390–1.2482) 0.274
Vital signs
SBP 0.9988 (0.9939–1.0038) 0.648
DBP 1.0033 (0.9969–1.0097) 0.313
MBP 0.9983 (0.9923–1.0044) 0.588
Heart rate 1.0139 (1.0084–1.0194) <0.001 1.0052 (0.9994–1.0110) 0.081
Respiratory rate 1.0530 (1.0377–1.0685) <0.001 1.0227 (1.0049–1.0407) 0.012
Temperature 0.8796 (0.7821–0.9893) 0.032 0.9295 (0.8391–1.0296) 0.161
SpO2 0.9550 (0.9374–0.9729) <0.001 1.0036 (0.9813–1.0264) 0.755
Scoring systems
SOFA 1.1494 (1.1213–1.1783) <0.001 1.0799 (1.0488–1.1119) <0.001
SIRS 1.3286 (1.1673–1.5121) <0.001 1.0424 (0.8964–1.2122) 0.590
PCI 1.1405 (0.7873–1.6521) 0.487
CABG 0.1261 (0.0850–0.1873) <0.001 0.2090 (0.1379–0.3168) <0.001
IABP 1.3426 (1.0102–1.7843) 0.042 1.8537 (1.3544–2.5371) <0.001
RRT 2.2502 (1.7582–2.8800) <0.001 1.5353 (1.1668–2.0201) 0.002

P-values less than 0.05 are indicated in bold. BMI, body mass index; WBC, white blood cell; NMLR, (neutrophil+monocyte)/lymphocyte ratio; MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin; MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; RBC, red blood cell; RDW, red cell distribution width; CKMB, creatine kinase – MB isoenzyme; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MBP, mean blood pressure; SpO2, pulse oxygen saturation; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score; SIRS, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome score; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump; RRT, renal replacement therapy.