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. 2022 Apr 7;13:757056. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.757056

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Experimental equipment and setup: (A) montage of the multi-modal system with EEG electrodes marked in black, fNIRS sources (S) with red and detectors (D) with blue; (B) NIRSport optode with a dual-tip; (C) EEG dry active electrode with an adjustable mushroom-head; (D) multi-modal NIRSport/EEG V-amp systems mounted onto one stretchable anti-cap, before the light-blocking over-cap placement; (E) regions of interest for fNIRS analysis according to Brodmanns Area (BA): occipital (BA: 17, 18) and frontal (BA: 8, 9, 10, 44, 45, 46); (F) participant with the brain scanning device mounted on her head, during the passive task; (G) digitization of the probe positions using a 3D-digitizer (Fastscan, Polhemus).