Figure 6.
Female, but not male STAT5AKO mice have reduced energy expenditure. Floxed (FL) and STAT5AKO (AKO) female (A, C, D, G, H) and male (B, E, F, I, J) mice (10 weeks of age) were individually housed in metabolic cages where oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration were continuously monitored for 3 days. (A, B, C, E) Total energy expenditure (EE) was calculated by multiplying the daily average rate of energy expenditure by 24 and by the number of experiment days. As an estimate of substrate oxidation, (D, F) respiratory exchange ratio (RER, VCO2/VO2), (G, I) food intake and (H, J) total activity in walking meters (pedometers) were measured during the light and dark cycles. Significance was determined by ANCOVA with fat and fat-free masses as covariates. The * denotes p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 (n = 8-12/group) between genotypes.