Table 6.
Theme | Access 3 policy recommendation | NSW Youth Health Framework |
Technology solutions | “Streamlined portal: promotion through social media marketing, helping young people navigate efficiently and effectively, combining all websites and general health information” |
“Maximise opportunities to provide up-to-date and accessible online information for young people about health services including who they are for, how to access them, what they do, and costs involved.” “Support health services to adopt appropriate technology, including telehealth, Apps, mobile technology and social media, to support access to services and engage and seek feedback from young people.” |
Technology solutions | “Apps to locate general practitioners and allied health professionals via postcode that filter by cost, hours, rating, bulk billing, LGBTQI-friendly, map and travel info” | “The Framework sets an expectation that NSW Health services for young people will use available electronic and mobile communication methods, and that online information is appropriate and meaningful. Further opportunities will be explored to develop and implement appropriate technology as part of service delivery, particularly to support young people living in rural and remote areas.” |
Technology solutions | “Broadening access to general practitioners: via technology e.g. YouTube education videos, common consultation, app chat” |
“Further opportunities will be explored to develop and implement appropriate technology as part of service delivery, particularly to support young people living in rural and remote areas.” “Support health services to adopt appropriate technology, including telehealth, Apps, mobile technology and social media, to support access to services and engage and seek feedback from young people.” |
Workforce capacity-building | “Build capacity of youth workforce (health, Aboriginal medical service, justice, education) to embed health literacy in core business” | “Work with partner agencies to support and provide health promotion information, programs and services, and create healthy environments for young people in line with state and local priorities that support healthy living, physical and mental wellbeing, health literacy, harm and demand reduction, sexual and reproductive health, and injury prevention.” |
Workforce capacity-building | “Capabilities: knowledge and skills for young people, professionals, parents, educators and policy-makers” | “Workforce capacity to provide responsive care to young people that promotes safety, welfare and well-being” |
Youth participation | “Young people at the heart of decision-making—‘Nothing for us without us’” | “Young people’s health needs are responded to; they receive quality healthcare and are supported to make informed decisions.” |
Integrated care and investment to improve capacity | “Capacity: service and systems level investment to deliver better and integrated services” | “NSW Health will strengthen relationships with other health services and cross sector partners to provide integrated and coordinated care.” |