Fig. 5. The combined effect of protective proteins FGF20, TNFSF12 and ANGPT1 on risk of progressive renal decline and progression to ESRD in the combined exploratory and replication cohorts (A and B), and in the validation cohort (C and D).
Odds ratios for progressive renal decline according to index of protection considered as a discrete covariate in (A) the combined exploratory and replication cohorts (N = 358) with both types of diabetes and impaired renal function, and (C) the validation cohort (N =294) of T1D individuals with normal renal function.
Cumulative incidence of ESRD (%) according to discrete values of index of protection in (B) the combined exploratory and replication cohorts and (D) the validation cohort. Index of protection: Value above median for each protein was scored as 1 and below as 0; by summing up these scores, an individual could have a total protection index varying between 0 (all proteins below median) and 3 (all proteins above median). *P<0.05; ****P<0.0001; ns, not significant.