Figure 6.
Super-resolution imaging within the microfluidic chip. A) U2OS cells stably expressing Lifeact::RFP were imaged using lattice light sheet coupled with structured illumination (LLS-SIM). Red box indicates ROI in Panel B. B) ROI demonstrating the difference in images when using Wiener deconvolution compared to SIM reconstruction. The improvement in resolution clearly allows the delineation of separate filaments, compare arrowheads. C) Raw data of single molecule imaging demonstrating the higher intensity of bound imaging strands compared to freely diffusing probes. D) Single slice views of DNA PAINT data set of Lamin A/C alone (top, left), H3K27 acetylation alone (bottom, left) , and merged channels (right). E) Volume view of complete nucleus showing all localized molecules against Lamin A/C (green) and H3K27ac (magenta). Bounding box dimensions are 14.4 μm x 15.3 μm x 5.22 μm.