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. 2022 Apr 21;17(4):e0266346. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0266346

Table 6. Burden of cost of lip, oral cavity, and oropharynx cancers according to Gross Domestic Product per capita.

Study Country (currency) PPP* conversion factor GDP** per capita (PPP 2019) Components Lip Oral cavity Oropharynx
1. Kim, 2011 [23] UK (GBP)   Cost per patient 5,790 25,311 ---
0.68 46,659 % GDP per capita 18.3% 79.8% ---
2. Polesel, 2019 [26] Italy (EUR)     Cost per patient --- 18,462 24,253
0.67 42,492 % GDP per capita --- 64.9% 85.2%
3. van Agthoven, 2001 [35] The Netherlands (EUR)     Cost per patient --- 35,541 35,642
0.78 56,935 % GDP per capita --- 79.8% 80.3%
4. Lairson, 2017 [41] EUA (USD)     Cost per patient --- --- 134,454
1.00 62,530 % GDP per capita --- --- 215.0%

*PPP: Purchasing Power Parity.

**GDP: Gross Domestic Product.