Fig 1. Schematic of the saltiLASSI mixture model framework.
(A) Generation of distorted haplotype frequency spectra (HFS) for m = 1 (red), 2 (blue), and 4 (purple) sweeping haplotypes from a genome-wide (gray) neutral HFS under the LASSI framework of [13]. (B) Generation of spatially-distorted HFS under the saltiLASSI framework for a window i (white circles) with increasing distance from the sweep location (yellow star). When the window is on top of the sweep location, the HFS is identical to the distorted LASSI HFS, and αi(A) = 1. When a window is far from the sweep location, the HFS is identical to the genome-wide (neutral) HFS, and αi⋆ (A) = 0. For windows at intermediate distances from the sweep location, the HFS is a mixture of the distorted and genome-wide HFS, with the distorted HFS contributing αi(A) and the genome-wide HFS contributing 1 − αi(A). We show example spectra at windows a, b, c, and d that are of increasing distances from the sweep location i⋆, with i⋆ < a < b < c < d.