Table 1. Revised taxonomy of tailed phages as established by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) [15].
Phage archetype | Family | Example phage | Accession number |
Siphoviridae-like | Demerecviridae | Escherichia virus T5 | AY543070 |
Drexlerviridae | Escherichia virus T1 | AY216660 | |
Siphoviridae | Escherichia virus λ | J02459 | |
Myoviridae-like | Ackermannviridae | Escherichia virus CBA120 | JN593240 |
Chaseviridae | Escherichia virus 4HA13 | NC_049466 | |
Herelleviridae | Bacillus virus SPO1 | NC_011421 | |
Myoviridae | Escherichia virus T4 | AF158101 | |
Podoviridae-like | Autographiviridae | Escherichia virus T7 | NC_001604 |
Guelinviridae | Clostridium virus CPS2 | NC_048707 | |
Podoviridae | Salmonella virus P22 | KR296686 | |
Rountreeviridae | Staphylococcus virus 66 | NC_007046 | |
Salasmaviridae | Bacillus virus Aurora | NC_031121 | |
Schitoviridae | Pectobacterium virus CB1 | NC_048653 | |
Zobellviridae | Citrobacter virus CVT22 | NC_027988 |