Figure 7.
SARS2 interacts with METTL8-Iso1 directly but does not determine the m3C32 modification activity of METTL8-Iso1. (A) Genes encoding METTL8-Iso1-FLAG and SARS2-Myc were coexpressed in HEK293T cells. SARS2-Myc was precipitated by METTL8-Iso1-FLAG using anti-FLAG antibodies. The addition of RNase had no effect on the METTL8-Iso1 and SARS2 interaction. (B) Time-course curves of the m3C32 modification of i6A-hmtRNASer(UCN) by METTL8-Iso1 and different concentrations of SARS2 as indicated (METTL8-Iso1 to SARS2 mole ratio 1:1, 1:2, or 1:5). Two negative controls (modification by METTL8-Iso1 alone without (METTL8-Iso1 + no tRNA) or with (METTL8-Iso1 + hmtRNASer(UCN)) tRNA transcript added were included. (C) Time-course curves of the m3C32 modification of hmtRNASer(UCN) transcript by METTL8-Iso1 and SARS2 (1:2). Negative controls (METTL8-Iso1 + no tRNA) represent assays without tRNA added. Modification of i6A-hmtRNASer(UCN) by METTL8-Iso1:SARS2 (1:2) was included as a positive control. Data represent averages of two (B) or three (C) independent experiments and the corresponding SEM.