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. 2021 Sep 6;134(7-8):276–285. doi: 10.1007/s00508-021-01928-6

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics of study sample according to night shift work (N = 70)

in % (n) or arithmetic mean (standard deviation, SD)
Total Rotating night
shift workers
Day workers pa
100% (N = 70) 45.7% (32) 54.3% (38)
Sociodemographic characteristics
Job title < 0.001
Nurse 71.2% (47) 93.3% (28) 52.8% (19)
Head nurse 6.1% (4) 3.3% (1) 8.3% (3)
Nurse assistant 1.5% (1) 3.3% (1) 0.0% (0)
Administrative personnel 21.2% (14) 0.0% (0) 38.9% (14)
Age (years mean, SD) 52.0 (4.0) 52.0 (4.0) 52.0 (4.0) 0.691
Female 91.4% (64) 87.5% (28) 94.7% (36) 0.402
Male 8.6% (6) 12.5% (4) 5.3% (2)
Education 0.369
Compulsory schooling (elementary) 1.6% (1) 0.0% (0) 2.6% (1)
Secondary 46.9% (30) 38.5% (10) 52.6% (20)
Secondary with university entrance qualification 29.7% (19) 30.8% (8) 28.9% (11)
Tertiary (university degree or higher) 21.9% (14) 30.8% (8) 15.8% (6)
Marital status 1.000
Single 12.5% (8) 11.5% (3) 13.2% (5)
Married or in civil union 67.2% (43) 69.2% (18) 65.8% (25)
Divorced/widowed 20.3% (13) 19.2% (5) 21.1% (8)
Domestic situation (nr. of persons in household) 0.475
1 25.4% (16) 26.9% (7) 24.3% (9)
2 25.4% (16) 15.4% (4) 32.4% (12)
3 23.8% (15) 26.9% (7) 21.6% (8)
4–5 25.4% (16) 30.8% (8) 21.6% (8)
Ethnicity 0.346
White 59.6% (31) 54.5% (12) 63.3% (19)
Asian 7.7% (4) 13.6% (3) 3.3% (1)
Black or Middle East 1.9% (1) 4.5% (1) 0.0% (0)
Other 30.8% (16) 27.3% (6) 33.3% (10)
Work hours per week (mean, SD) 39.09 (10.54) 41.45 (9.36) 34.92 (11.57) 0.074
Total years in alternating shifts (mean, SD) 18.21 (11.92) 26.76 (6.78) 8.02 (8.02) < 0.001
Years in current rotation plan (mean, SD) 21 (10) 24 (9) 14 (10) 0.005
Night shifts per month (mean, SD) 5.8 (3.1)
Lifestyle and sleep-related characteristics
Smoking status 0.847
Smoker 31.7% (20) 30.8% (8) 32.4% (12)
No. of cigarettes per week (mean, SD) 345 (233.18) 300 (279.64) 367.50 (219.41) 0.901
Former smoker 22.2% (14) 19.2% (5) 24.3% (9)
Never smoked 46.0% (29) 50.0% (13) 43.2% (16)
Current alcohol consumption 0.685
Yes 38.6% (22) 41.7% (10) 36.4% (12)
No. of alcoholic beverages per week (mean, SD) 1.34 (2.30) 1.48 (2.47) 1.24 (2.19) 0.698
No 61.4% (35) 58.3% (14) 63.6% (21)
Caffeine consumption 0.253
Yes 87.5% (56) 80.8% (21) 92.1% (35)
No. of cups of coffee per day (mean, SD) 2.72 (1.62) 2.42 (1.96) 2.93 (1.30) 0.120
No. of cups of caffeinated drinks per day (mean, SD) 3.02 (2.15) 2.85 (2.74) 3.15 (1.62) 0.179
No 12.5% (8) 19.2% (5) 7.9% (3)
Current sleep problem 0.159
Yes 62.9% (39) 73.1% (19) 55.6% (20)
Nights per week (mean, SD) 3.15 (2.01) 2.79 (1.87) 3.50 (2.12) 0.536
No 37.1% (23) 26.9% (7) 44.4% (16)
Wake up in the middle of the night 0.447
Yes 69.5% (41) 75.0% (18) 65.7% (23)
No 30.5% (18) 25.0% (6) 34.3% (12)
Trouble falling asleep 0.001
Yes 55.4% (31) 82.6% (19) 36.4% (12)
No 44.6% (25) 17.4% (4) 63.6% (21)
Daytime functioning impairment due to sleep problem 0.351
None 13.1% (8) 11.5% (3) 14.3% (5)
Minimal 31.1% (19) 23.1% (6) 37.1% (13)
Moderate 37.7% (23) 46.2% (12) 31.4% (11)
Serious 16.4% (10) 19.2% (5) 14.3% (5)
Severe 1.6% (1) 0.0% (0) 2.9% (1)
Physical activity (hours per week) 4.39 (2.82) 3.77 (1.86) 4.79 (3.28) 0.568
Total MEQ score (mean, SD)a 58 (9) 57 (9) 60 (10) 0.538
Self-assessment 0.895
Clearly evening type 6.7% (2) 6.7% (1) 6.7% (1)
Rather evening type 33.3% (10) 26.7% (4) 40.0% (6)
Rather morning type 23.3% (7) 26.7% (4) 20.0% (3)
Clearly morning type 36.7% (11) 40.0% (6) 33.3% (5)

aThe total morningness-eveningness questionnaire (MEQ) score was calculated by summing the scores of all 19 questions included in the questionnaire